Monthly Archives: September 2010

All About Stress

I read some interesting things about stress yesterday.

First, it shortens your life. Duh.

But the interesting thing this report said is that your body constantly lives in the now. If your mind lived in the now, there would be no stress, no conflict, no tension.

I’ve always thought that we control our own level of stress, but I’ve never considered it to be this simple an equation before. If my mind is too busy thinking about what just happened or what might happen, then I feel stress, as my body is trying to pull me back to the present moment, which is where I ought to be anyway, paying attention and appreciating my life. The further into my history I dwell, or the further into the future, the more stress I feel.

Knowing the source of the stress/tension should make it easier to correct.

Another reason to live in the now.

In gratitude.

One day at a time.

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Filed under Discipline, peace, Possibilities, relationships, Spirituality, Stress, Twelve Steps

My thesis is now available

My Master’s thesis (Applied Theology),  “Spiritual Sustainability: A Personal and Social Imperative” is now available for download on the Kindle.

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Filed under Spirituality, Sustainability