Monthly Archives: October 2008

I’m hitting myself on the head with a hammer

I can’t wait for this election to be over, and here’s why: I’m obsessed with it.

Every day I watch the talking heads and get incensed all over again. I cannot believe the minutia that the press is poring over, trying to infer this or sidestep that.

And everybody’s guilty of it.

I am so sick of Bush bashing that I can’t even listen to it any more. From anyone.

Why, then, do I subject myself to the idiocy of the pundits and the know-nothing talking heads? I think it’s because I’m still searching for a shred of decency there. It seems to me that the candidates have a lot more integrity these days than most of the newscasters, commentators and the guests they have on their shows.

But I find no such decency in the media, and that’s what’s making me crazy. I remember that the Bush/Kerry election got kind of mean-spirited, but I don’t remember it being like this. We all have to live together after next Tuesday. Can we all just put this behind us and carry on? I’m not so sure, and that breaks my heart.

America survived eight years of W. We can survive four years of the next guy, too. Whether it’s your pick or mine, we’ll get through it.

Can’t we please do it with a little decorum?


Filed under politics

Does Pro-Life Really Mean Pro-Life?

… or does Pro-Life mean Anti-abortion?

Again, I am having a hard time keeping this blog apolitical, especially now, in this fierce season of “red meat rhetoric” and candidate-baiting.

But when we support putting our troops in harm’s way, figuring that a certain number of deaths is considered an acceptable level of collateral damage, that is not Pro-Life.

When we support inmates being put to death, that is not Pro-Life.

As with most things in this world, this issue is filled with shades of gray. Abortion is bad except when… Capital Punishment is bad except when… War is bad except when…

My point is: don’t say you’re Pro-Life if what you really are is Anti-Abortion.

That’s a completely different issue.

Let’s not confuse them.


Filed under politics, Social Consciousness